Marcel Roda Lirolla

W ith more than 20 years of experience has made his hobby, a profession, where he has in his portifolios, photographs of famous, weddings, baptized among others, as well-known companies in the market where he helped to build his brands.

Studied at São Judas Tadeu University

My hobby is, Old Cars

In the US, it has improved.

W as at the São Judas Tadeu college, one of the most prestigious in the information system course, that developed the idea of using technology to help its clients. Today becoming one of the most reputed professionals in the market.

O wner of Lirolla Agency, a company that operates in the field of Websites, E-commerce, digital marketing consulting and technology companies. It aims to sell solutions to our friendly customers.

W ith a season in the US, where he further refined his ideas and digital techniques. It further increased its range of satisfied customers in several areas and sites of the world. Currently doing projects in Italy.